Saturday, May 9, 2020
Essay on Adultery in the Military - 922 Words
Adultery in the Military As citizens of the United States of America we are all governed by a certain set of rules. These laws are set forth by our elected officials. These laws deal with almost all aspects of life including morally wrong actions such as murder and theft. However, these laws do not govern many other moral choices such as adultery. As members of the United States Armed Forces, we are also regulated by an additional set of rules. We must abide by the sanctions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Unlike our state laws, the UCMJ does have articles that address the subject of adultery. The UCMJ articles that now pertain to adulterous actions are very strict and limit personal choice. These articles†¦show more content†¦The United States Armed Forces is based on the principles oh honor. â€Å"Honor is a strict adherence to the military standards of conduct†¦lying, cheating, stealing, and deceit are forms of behavior that will not be tolerated†(Benin 32). A dultery is grave action that includes three of these four forms of behavior. It is the epitome of â€Å"breaking a promise,†and â€Å"deceiving someone†because of the serious commitments made within a marriage (Wasserstrom 192). The breaking of a promise and deception are what make adultery morally wrong (Wasserstrom 192-3). Some opponents of adultery use â€Å"the Principle of Utility†as a basis for their views. â€Å"This principle requires that whenever we have a choice between alternative actions or social policies, we must choose the one that has best overall consequences for everyone concerned†(Rachels 97). The opponents of adultery believe that adultery does more damage than good. It does harm to the person being deceived, and in the military, it can â€Å"disrupt moral and functioning in a military unit†(Capitol 1). In the adultery case of 1st Lt. Kelly Flinn USAF, the first female B-52 bomber pilot, the functioning of her military unit was definitely disrupted. Lt. Flinn lied â€Å"about an affair she had with the husband of an enlisted woman†(Capitol 2). â€Å"Lt. Flinn was charged with fraternization, disobeying a direct order, lying, conduct unbecoming to an officer, and she was charged with adultery. If you add up all the charges, theyShow MoreRelatedThe Mongols : Mongols Barbarians783 Words  | 4 Pagesbarbarians. The Mongols had a strong dominating military that was almost always successful, they contributed to many of the ideas that are still around today, and made a very stern set of laws that kept their community civilized which is why I believe that the Mongols were not barbarians. Although the Mongols were sometimes very brutal they were not barbarians. The Mongols were able to come up with very complex battle tactics like no other military in their era. 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